And I want to help you get more leads and sales for your luxury travel offers...
Agencies tend to suck, so we've taken a very different approach to helping you get leads and sales for your luxury travel offer....
Hey, my name is Pat Ordenes
Seriously. Take the playbook and apply it yourself!
"You don't have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream."
- Michael Dell
But look, I get it...
You don't know anything about me or how we work, and you may have been burnt by an agency or two in the past...
You may also be thinking "So is this another agency, what's the deal? And how do they guarantee ROI (and what's ROI maybe?😂) - So many questions...
Well, instead of promising you the moon, how about you take a look at our playbook? In fact, how about you take the entire process to launch a lead-generating ad on Facebook and Instagram, without our help?!
This is the playbook we've used to:
Building a predictable lead machine for your luxury travel offering is easier than you think when you follow a proven playbook that has been battle-tested for ten years (that's how long one of our luxury travel clients has been with us!)
⚡ Generate 32,312 leads in just one channel
⚡ Bring in leads for as little as $6.59 with buying intent
⚡ Generate sales within 30 days in high-end luxury travel price point
⚡ Get ROI as high as 24x the amount spent!
Seriously. Take the playbook and apply it yourself!
Are you ready to jump straight into a lead sprint?
We don't work like other agencies that charge you a percentage of your adspent or a huge retainer feed + extra fees for every little change in your ads. We take an agile approach to helping get leads and sales for your luxury travel offers. Want to find out more? You can book a time to chat with us (it will take 15 minutes tops) or if you are one of those who just wants to get on with it...
"Good artists copy; great artists steal."
- Pablo Picasso